In 2011, the Board published information for the first time about shortcomings in self-regulation by particular institutes.
The Board is researching these complex issues and will publish a separate exposure draft on a proposed accounting standard for natural resources at a later date.
The Board also will publish written updates every 30 days with respect to any such loan or other financial assistance.
The Board has published translations of selected works, manuscripts and other writings from world literature into the Sindhi language.
The Board can also publish a report on the matter for communication to all Parties.
Boards of examiners shall publish pass lists in accordance with course regulations.
To encourage attendance by the public, the Board has published a schedule of meetings (generally every other Monday) for the entire year.
The Board of Education, however, does not publish a comprehensive, clearly stated description of its spending.
The Board also publishes a brief guide on how standards are developed.
Also the Board published an influential magazine called Prakash.