"But they will not come forward in the hostile environment the board has created," she said.
The process by which boards create hackers goes something like this.
But if the Board had not created the public benefit corporation, the subsidy would have been $15 million more, he said.
All of that is possible because of the space a board creates.
The board then created a 20-member team to develop criteria for hiring a new director and reorganizing.
He added that the board created a special committee of directors who did not participate in the stock trades to consider the report's recommendations.
The board has also created something of a revolving-door management style that grows more expensive with each turn.
The board also created a prison library and a new education program for inmates, in particular a night school for those who could not read.
The Board has created committees and workgroups to aid in its tasks.
The board of commissioners often create numerous subordinate departments to handle specific services.