In his last book, "Song for the Blue Ocean," Safina described both the fish and the damage done to them by commercial fishing.
But after the horror stories that have gone before, one finishes "Song for the Blue Ocean" wondering how this can be enough.
The company also has a new overall strategy dubbed Blue Ocean.
"Waves of the Blue Ocean," among falling leaves of countless hues, had about it an almost frightening beauty.
And there's no getting away from it, the Blue Ocean is fully booked.
This Blue Ocean is all a bloody stunt.
She had to make a decision right now-stay in Barmouth or take the long walk back to the Blue Ocean.
Probably that was due to eating nothing else but fish and chips since she had arrived at the Blue Ocean.
That jerk knew too much and in all probability he would be spreading stories round the camp that the Blue Ocean was vulnerable by land.
It was the reputation of the Blue Ocean which mattered to him.