In 1994, law enforcement officials said that more people died violently at the "Bloody Angle" than at any other street intersection in the United States.
He described Doyers Street as the "nerve center" of Chinatown because of the Chinese theater and Bloody Angle.
The "per chevron" division of the shield represents the "Bloody Angle" at Spotsylvania during the Civil War.
Assault on the Salient, a/k/a the "Bloody Angle"
Bloody Angle (disambiguation)
May 12 - Assault on the Salient (the "Bloody Angle")
This sector of the line, where the heaviest fighting of the day would occur, became known as the "Bloody Angle."
The battle, which ended in stalemate, included a brutal 20-hour struggle over a section of the Confederate defenses that became known as the "Bloody Angle".
Bloody Angle may refer to:
Hot Corner Q. What is "Bloody Angle"?