He had served 51 months in prison after being charged with an armed robbery at a Blockbuster store.
Some Blockbuster stores only displayed 60 copies, and others did not display the film at all, forcing customers to ask for it.
Entrance to the 100ft tunnel dug by thieves under a building to get to a cash machine at the Blockbuster store.
Recent tests in Blockbuster stores indicate that customers are often unhappy.
"Now we're trying to get the film into the Blockbuster stores to be available for free rental," she added.
You'll view the movies the same way as the videotape that you rented from a Blockbuster store.
While Blockbuster stores carry about 7,000 titles, more than 30,000 are available online.
Blockbuster stores, if the market test is successful, could thus have a virtually unlimited inventory of video games.
A description of the process is being distributed on cash register receipts at Blockbuster stores.
Most services carry 700 to 1,500 titles, far more than the average Blockbuster store.