The problems involve Viacom's plan to merge with Blockbuster Entertainment.
In fact, the release was planned by one of home video's own, Blockbuster Entertainment.
He bought control of Blockbuster Entertainment at a time when industry forecasters said the home video market would be wiped out by interactive television.
The other good news came from Blockbuster Entertainment, the video business in which Viacom owns an 80 percent stake.
Later he bought a little outfit called Blockbuster Entertainment, selling it in 1994 for $8 billion.
Blockbuster Entertainment gained 1 3/4, to 24 1/8, in active trading.
Blockbuster Entertainment has been looking at the video game market as a new growth area.
Blockbuster Entertainment ran into a wall when a respected analyst criticized the company's accounting policies.
Thirteen months ago, he invested in Blockbuster Entertainment and became its chairman and chief executive.
The company also said Blockbuster Entertainment would acquire a controlling stake.