Bishop, however, unexpectedly stated through her Massachusetts lawyer that she wanted to be tried for her brother's death to vindicate herself.
In January 1975 the new Bishop of Fribourg stated his wish to withdraw the SSPX's pious union status.
The encyclical urged a diplomatic end to the Vietnam War, but the American Bishops stated that "our presence in Vietnam is justified".
Bishop stated, "She wanted to get back into the spotlight.
Bishop stated that the show was "hampered by several stoppages for blood" and a predictable ending to the main event between Cena and Batista.
Bishop, armed with a thermonuclear device in the stump of his arm, states that he knows how to make his own ship and it'll only be a matter of time.
The Bishop stated that "the sooner the Russians arrive here, the better for us."
In his letter, the Bishop stated he would use all the powers at his disposal, including legal if necessary, to compel King to relinquish the trade:
In 1417 the Bishop of Exeter stated that the chancel was in a ruinous state and that the church must rebuild at once.