Law-enforcement officials have spent weeks searching for Mr. Rudolph, who has been charged only with the Birmingham bombing on Jan. 29.
Lee first became interested in making a film about the Birmingham bombing as a student at New York University in 1983.
It was the Birmingham bombing that identified Mr. Rudolph, when witnesses saw him leave the scene in his truck.
Prosecutors had believed that the Birmingham bombing was their strongest case.
The Birmingham bombing in 1998 was one of the last in a decade of extreme anti-abortion activity.
Investigators have described the Birmingham bombing as the cruelest, because the bomb was not on a timer.
The re-examination of the Birmingham bombing was a result of meetings between local black religious and community leaders and local bureau officials in the mid-1990's.
While the search was in progress the police were informed of the Birmingham bombings.
Twenty-one people died in the two Birmingham bombings, and the real perpetrators are believed to be in Ireland now.
"But it was the Birmingham bombing that set the chain of events in motion that led to the identification of Eric Rudolph."