The PSG is a member of the Ornithological Council and the American Bird Conservancy.
An earlier report by the American Bird Conservancy had estimated bird predation by U.S. cats at 500 million yearly.
The American Bird Conservancy has advocated that brodifacoum not be used by the general public.
"It's a forgotten system," said David Pashley, vice president for conservation of the American Bird Conservancy.
American Bird Conservancy (ABC) is a non-profit membership organization with the mission of conserving native birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.
Cats Indoors is a public education campaign by American Bird Conservancy to encourage control of cats in order to protect birds from predation by cats.
The American Bird Conservancy and the National Audubon Society want them stopped.
The agreement was disclosed yesterday by the American Bird Conservancy, a Washington-based advocacy group representing 56 environmental and ornithological organizations.
More information can be found at The American Bird Conservancy...
"We were forced to do it a little more quickly when the American Bird Conservancy came into the picture."