Here is a collection of vignettes, all written by Bill Ryan, about people whose deaths did, indeed, diminish Connecticut.
But Bill Ryan, a spokesman for the company, insisted that there was no plate at the spot where Mr. Lake fell.
"It gives us an ability to watch what goes on," said Bill Ryan, the chairman of the Westchester Legislature and a member of the committee.
Bill Ryan, the legislature's chairman, said that he is more concerned with stemming tax increases than changing the dates when payments must be made.
He told authorities of how he had been recruited by Bill Ryan.
Here is a collection of vignettes, all written by Bill Ryan, about people whose deaths in the year 2000 diminished Connecticut.
The board is planning a public hearing, but no vote, on the idea on Monday night, said Bill Ryan, the chairman of the board.
Go to the office, fifth floor, and ask for Bill Ryan, the night editor.
"The stakes were definitely higher," Bill Ryan said.
"When you're pooling money for a bagel and then you have a record deal, you cut loose a little," Bill Ryan said.