Today, at the age of 33, Bill Joy is a visionary of the most lively and eccentric sort.
When Bill Joy wrote it, back in 1980, people thought it was the neatest invention around.
In computing, the same Bill Joy gave estimates about microprocessor performance increase.
Also, Bill Joy, among others, argues a machine with these traits may be a threat to human life or dignity.
Some people considered this new kind of editor to be a potential resource hog, but others, including Bill Joy were impressed.
While commercial vendors could work with Bill Joy's codebase (and continue to use it today), many people could not.
Check out Bill Joy as well, it's all fascinating stuff.
Ray Kurzweil and Bill Joy need to do the same.
Indeed, there are at least two Bill Joys.
The other Bill Joy, however, would very much like to prevent the inevitable from happening.
History was first introduced by Bill Joy in the C shell in 1978.
Today, at the age of 33, Bill Joy is a visionary of the most lively and eccentric sort.
When Bill Joy wrote it, back in 1980, people thought it was the neatest invention around.
In computing, the same Bill Joy gave estimates about microprocessor performance increase.
Also, Bill Joy, among others, argues a machine with these traits may be a threat to human life or dignity.
Some people considered this new kind of editor to be a potential resource hog, but others, including Bill Joy were impressed.
Check out Bill Joy as well, it's all fascinating stuff.
Ray Kurzweil and Bill Joy need to do the same.
Indeed, there are at least two Bill Joys.
The other Bill Joy, however, would very much like to prevent the inevitable from happening.