The Temple athletic director, Bill Bradshaw, said he, too, believed that a vote had occurred, though it might have been a straw vote.
In what Temple's athletic director, Bill Bradshaw, called "crisis management," he said all five Temple academic counselors either resigned or were notrehired for their positions.
"We can't defend what happened," said Temple's athletic director, Bill Bradshaw, who added that he wasn't certain if the suspension would be altered.
The current athletic director is Bill Bradshaw.
The presenter role was given to either Bill Bradshaw and Brian Woolnough.
"Our 92-year search for a conference is over," said the DePaul athletic director, Bill Bradshaw.
Bill Bradshaw, a retired government official, moved to Sunridge from Washington, D.C., last year.
DePaul's athletic director, Bill Bradshaw, naturally believes his school should have been invited if Notre Dame was.
In 1981, Bill Bradshaw retired and was replaced as Head of School by William L. Campbell.
"The handwriting's on the wall," said Bill Bradshaw, the athletic director.