The "1999 Biennial Exhibition of Public Art" is at the Neuberger Museum of Art through Oct. 24.
The 1989 Biennial Exhibition remains at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 945 Madison Avenue, at 75th Street, through July 16.
Inspiration will be drawn from the museum's 2002 Biennial Exhibition.
"2001 Biennial Exhibition of Public Art," through Oct. 7.
Art "1997 Biennial Exhibition" (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City).
His work was chosen for the 1978 Biennial Exhibition at the New Mexico Museum of Art.
"2003 Biennial Exhibition of Public Art," through Oct. 19.
This year, an alumna, Annette Lawrence, is among the 70 artists in the 1997 Biennial Exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art.
The museum's 2002 Biennial Exhibition, a traditional showcase for contemporary American artists, will take place as planned from March to May next year.
The 2004 Biennial Exhibition will be at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 945 Madison Avenue, at 75th Street, (212) 570-3676, through May 30.