The film generally adheres to the main plot of the Biblical version.
Scholars have also noted the movement from doctrinal to biblical versions in the Office texts.
The superintendent said that the Big Bang should not have been explained without including the biblical version of creation as well.
Again, there may be apparent discrepancies between the biblical version of a story and the version in other ancient records.
Biblical versions of names also appear where applicable:
Ram's relationship with Simihit and Amihar is far more complex than in the Biblical version of the story.
Mr. Ritchie's work is most accessible approached as an arcane serial narrative, a biblical version of science fiction.
The Biblical version, "That ye seek not after your own heart" (Num.
There are several differences between the Biblical and Quranic versions of Noah's story:
The Biblical version of the name includes the Hebrew meaning, but additionally means someone who is a 'destroyer' or 'he who oppresses'.