This new historical consciousness was presaged in the seventeenth century controversies of Deism where Biblical miracles, and especially Christ's resurrection, were called into doubt.
Parker was attacked when he denied Biblical miracles and the authority of the Bible and Jesus.
He would pray for a Biblical miracle: to become again as a little child, and go back to school.
Falwell will be glad to tell you about Biblical miracles, but he is not prophesying any for this afternoon.
Maybe the Biblical miracles really happened, and Velikovsky had a point after all.
London, A.R. Mowbray 1966, 1965 (Good survey of Biblical miracles as well).
He stood for the necessity of a special revelation of God, and defended the Biblical miracles as confirmations of the words of the evangelists.
The reports of healing and of materialisations reflect a marked similarity to Biblical miracles.
For example, he asked students to question if Biblical miracles were literal and suggested that all people are part of God.
Michell claimed that the Biblical miracle of the catch of 153 fish is based on geometry.