But others stressed the Biblical command to follow laws.
Sooner or later I aside my scruples and obey the Biblical command to "be fruitful: multiply."
The noted rabbi Maimonides likewise categorizes prayer as a Biblical command of Written law, but believed that the number of prayers and their times are not.
Then in his 80s, Hailey believed that those who were not Christians were not subject to Biblical commands regarding divorce.
Attitudes were generally pro-natalist in line with the Biblical command, "Be ye fruitful and multiply."
The Biblical commands regarding the treatment of the brute (Ex.
Nichola Everitt argues that much moral guidance is unattainable, such as the Biblical command to be Christ-like.
The impression became widespread that the watchword implied a rapid, simplistic, verbal presentation of Christ to the world which would fulfill the Biblical command and bring about the Second Coming.
They have an extremely high birth rate, following the old Biblical command to "be fruitful and multiply," which causes extensive crowding and a high resource drain on their planets.
They repeat the Krias Shema many times, each time with a different possible pronunciation, in order to make sure they fulfill the Biblical command.