After test driving the prototype, however, Larsson changed his mind.
Mowlem did much of the test driving during the extensive development process conducted by Zytek.
That kept test driving to a minimum.
He had a brief return to F1, doing most of the test driving for the Modena Lambo project.
After test driving the Maybach, Mr. Wang said, he concluded the company had met its goal and that he had to own one.
Between December 2007 and January 2008, spontaneous test driving events were also held in selected upscale shopping centers and malls in Germany.
After test driving a Ford RS2000 police car he praised the UK motor industry for developing more environmentally friendly vehicles, including the use of alternative fuels.
After test driving the GS and GT, you realize that you like the GT a lot better.
Apicella was installed as test driver 1996 and the test driving duties was later taken over by Nakano and Naoki Hattori.
Bertie Simmonds test drives the Jeep Grand Cherokee on a Grand Adventure in Cumbria.