Ben Walker as Roger Parslow, Lyra's best friend, who is kidnapped and taken north.
From there he took the job as police chief of Grant County, replacing the subpar Ben Walker.
Ben Walker, the police chief at the time, was a very different cop from Jeffrey.
Ben Walker, then the Chief of Police, was the only one who looked out of place with his military crew cut and clean-shaven face.
Ben Walker later joined his brother Shane at the South Sydney Rabbitohs.
All is not as it seems, however, and the disappearance of Lyra's friend Roger (Ben Walker) sets her on a dizzying adventure.
The program is hosted by comedian Dan Huen and his co-host Ben Walker.
"We owe it to Ben Walker, and Ben's family, to do something about this," he said.
And whatever that action may be, he said "it will be a living memorial to Ben Walker."
The Mayor also said that living memorials to Ben Walker already existed: the boy's organs were donated to 12 people.