The company was Bellaire's first glass works, and the second located in Belmont County.
Belmont County ranked sixth in the nation as a glass manufacturer by 1880.
He returned home to Belmont County, Ohio early in 1876 when his term ended.
The center has been in operation for 34 years and is currently seeking maintenance grants from Belmont County.
He then moved back to Belmont County after his father's paralysis.
He moved to Belmont County, Ohio, with his family in 1844.
The area encompasses the northwest corner of Belmont County.
He was prosecuting attorney for Belmont County from 1833 to 1835.
He served as the clerk of courts for Belmont County, Ohio, from 1921 to 1925.
He served as probate judge of Belmont County 1925-1933.