"Amy Wilson: The Global Appeal of Liberty," Bellwether Gallery, 134 10th Avenue, Manhattan, through May 14.
In April 2008, Hardy had her first USA solo exhibition in New York at Bellwether Gallery.
The photo was shown at Bellwether Gallery in New York City in 2006, together with other items that documented Paglen's efforts to trace secret government projects.
Becky Smith, who earned her Yale M.F.A. in 1998 and now runs Bellwether Gallery in Chelsea, has another analogy: "It's like a gladiator spectator sport.
On the same day an exhibit of her photos will open at the Bellwether Gallery in Manhattan.
Last year Pierogi was the only Brooklyn gallery in the show; it is now joined by Bellwether Gallery and Roebling Hall to form a Williamsburg triumvirate.
She was also one of the founders of Bellwether Gallery, by which she was later represented.
"We tend to look at our businesses in a different way from another generation of dealers," said Becky Smith, the owner and director of the Bellwether Gallery in Williamsburg.
She was represented by Bellwether Gallery in New York and Kantor/Feuer (now defunct) in Los Angeles.
He is represented by Bellwether Gallery in New York.