Bell produced many of the newer Sims games, most prominently The Sims 3: Pets.
She went on a campaign to get "Bells" produced, discussing the idea with Dodger Theatricals, the Broadway production company.
Since their first delivery in 1975, Bell has produced more than 1,700 Ls across all variant types.
Bell notably scheduled twenty-seven albums for near-simultaneous release in mid-1969, and produced much of the material himself.
Bell then resigned and produced the booklet Bitter Hill, outlining the evidence, the inconsistencies and the theory about the killings advanced by the retrial committee.
Bell produced a miracle in avoiding the crash.
During the Vietnam War, Bell produced more than 10,000 UH-1 Hueys.
Bell has produced many forms of art, including drawings, paintings, sculptures and toys which have all been featured in a variety of exhibitions.
In addition to his collaborations Bell has produced some platform and original designs.
Bell produced five prototypes of the D-250, as Model 206, in 1962, the first prototype making its maiden flight on 8 December 1962.