The Belize River rose for several days after the storm, reaching record levels of 21 ft (6.6 m) in width, which isolated 15 villages.
This action had the unintended effect of enhancing the significance of the growing British settlement near the Belize River.
Belmopan was built just to the east of the Belize River.
The country's largest river is the eponymous Belize River.
The two-story, Caribbean-style house is on a canal 50 feet from the Belize River.
A couple of days earlier, we had motored up the mouth of the Belize River.
Ucanal was located in a strategic location near the source of the Belize River.
It is located at the mouth of the Belize River on the coast of the Caribbean.
The village also offers scenic views of the Belize River.
It connects the north side with the south side of the city and spans over the Belize River.