Jean Pierre Van Rossem (born in Bruges, Belgium on 29 May 1945) is a Belgian scholar, socialite and writer.
Lias was established in 1974 by a group of Dutch and Belgian scholars, and subtitled Sources and Documents relating to the Early Modern History of Ideas.
Gerrit De Geest (born 1960) is a Belgian legal scholar and writer specializing in contract law, law and economics and comparative law.
Bruno de Witte (born 1955 in Kortrijk) is a Belgian legal scholar.
Mr. Marchal, the Belgian scholar, estimates that Leopold drew some 220 million francs (or $1.1 billion in today's dollars) in profits from the Congo during his lifetime.
French and Belgian scholars have tended to follow the latter interpretation, while others, following Mommsen, conclude that the Christians were prosecuted as a police action under existing laws concerning public order.
Some Belgian scholars have argued that the creation of their country was a historical accident.
Edward Lipiński, (born 18 June 1930 in Lodz, Poland) is a Belgian scholar specializing in Biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies.
The current constitution of Democratic Republic of the Congo was designed with the assistance of Belgian legal scholars.
A Belgian scholar argues that Casanova was far more than a sexual athlete - in his high-spirited virtuosity he was the embodiment of the Enlightenment.