The police said they most likely entered the container in the Belgian port of Zeebrugge.
The refugees, some of whom paid $5,000 for the journey, thought they were being smuggled to Britain from the Belgian port of Zeebrugge.
Like the blockships, the launches were all crewed by volunteers; mostly veterans of previous operations against the Belgian ports.
That proved more difficult in the Belgian port where the first section of the Tricolor now rests.
Or the night in the Belgian port when another English underground operative had called, "One more place in the lorry.
Montgomery took Brussels, then Antwerp, but evidently didn't look at his maps and realize the Belgian port was sixty miles from the ocean.
A crew turned up at the Belgian port of Antwerp in early September 1940.
It was achieved via social dialogue and, if necessary, is adapted via social dialogue to the situation of the various other Belgian ports.
His truck had made a five-hour ferry crossing from the Belgian port of Zeebrugge in unseasonable heat.
He is buried at the Belgian port of Ostend.