He grew convinced of the evil character of Belgian administration, in which he had previously trusted.
Later, he was transferred as a financial expert in the central buying group of Belgian civilian administration.
"Belgian administration in Mweru-Luapula was glossed over by a thin veneer of traditional justifications."
It was under Belgian administration.
There the Belgian administration developed a system of 'paysannats' based on a crop rotation with n specially demarcated strips.
He then started to create his own furniture and was chosen by several Belgian administrations to design and create functional furniture.
Under the Belgian administration, Muslims in Rwanda were to some extent marginalized.
The Belgian administration remained in place and, under German supervision, governed Belgium, according to the developed theory of 'the lesser evil'.
At the time the main aim was to play the two ethnic groups off against each other in order to make the Dutch or Belgian administration stronger.
The new Belgian administration built clinics, schools and roads, and eradicated sleeping sickness.