He also wrote early titles in the Beginner Books and Bright and Early series.
Green Eggs and Ham is one of Seuss's "Beginner Books", written using very simple words for beginning readers.
Beginner Books had only four titles in their catalog in 1958.
My Big Book of Beginner Books about Me (2011)
However, because of its success, an independent publishing company was formed, called Beginner Books.
Beginner Books was chartered as a series of books oriented toward various stages of early reading development.
From 1957 to 1960, Random House was the distributor of Beginner Books.
The Beginner Books dominated the children's picturebook market of the 1960s, and still plays a significant role today within the phases of students' reading development.
The early success of Beginner Books, both from a commercial and learn-to-read perspective, initiated the blurring between educational and entertainment books.
The Beginner Books dominated the children's picture book market of the 1960s.