Humble is a beekeeper and a member of the British Beekeepers Association.
You can find out lots from the British Beekeepers Association.
Or shall we leave it to the Indy to do that, the same way they have covered the crucial issue of the British Beekeepers Association accepting money from Bayer for endorsing their pesticides.
Tim Lovett, President of the British Beekeepers Association, said the WI would have a huge influence on the wider campaign to help bees.
The British Beekeepers Association has reported a huge increase in membership over the last few years, fuelled mainly by a rise in young, urban beekeepers.
If you're new to bee-keeping join your local group or the Natural Beekeepers Association, for support and guidance.
John Craig - lately President, The Scottish Beekeepers Association.
Martin Smith, chairman of the British Beekeepers Association, said bee keepers are already concerned about hive loss over this winter.
According to the British Beekeepers Association, one third of the food we eat would not be available if it wasn't for bees.
The Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBKA) represents the interests of Scottish amateur beekeepers.