The lawsuit is represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
Rigdon v. Perry was a 1997 case brought by the Becket Fund for Religious Freedom.
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty then joined the case with local counsel.
The private defendant-intervenors were represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
The Becket Fund has also litigated on behalf of prisoners who seek to continue following their beliefs in prison.
Another significant area of litigation for the Becket Fund has been religious land use.
The Becket Fund advocates on behalf of religious liberty in international fora.
In addition to these activities, the Becket Fund provides resources for the public and other civil rights attorneys.
This is one of the leading works cited by religious freedom advocacy groups such as the Becket Fund.
Pro-voucher groups like the Becket Fund plan to challenge the Blaine amendments on the grounds that most were born of bigotry.