Bea Smith was soon awake to Joan's villainy, and the two became deadly enemies.
After a short, but gory reign of terror, Nola was killed by Bea Smith with a zip gun.
The main driver of this period however remained the ongoing animosity between Bea Smith and Joan Ferguson.
The fire spread out of control while Bea Smith and Joan Ferguson battled it out in the isolation wing.
The 10-part series will chart the rise of Bea Smith from remand prisoner to "top dog".
At first, an enemy of Bea Smith, she later on became one of Bea's allies.
Briefly took over as top dog whilst Bea Smith was away in hospital, inciting a riot with the help of Kate Peterson.
Bea Smith tries to help her come clean cold turkey as she reminded of her own deceased daughter Debbie.
After this, she settles down and becomes a good friend of Bea Smith.
He is particularly key in championing Bea Smith, whom he believes can do much better if given a fair chance.