They lived at 118-122 Baxter Street, an unremarkable seven-story factory and warehouse.
Fire officials say that when they come across situations like the one on Baxter Street, they try to close them quickly.
On Baxter Street, most cubicles measured 6-by-9 and were shared by two to three occupants.
There's a uniform supply house downtown on Baxter Street, yes, sir.
All three are located just off Baxter Street on West Campus.
He lives in an apartment that backs up on Baxter Street.
The department's traffic unit operates from a police substation on Baxter Street.
Your wife hangs her laundry in the court behind Baxter Street.
About 2,000 spectators gathered, police officials said, as the parade made its way along Baxter Street and East Broadway.
Today, a street runs along Edison Park which is named Baxter Street.