At 24th Avenue and Bath Avenue, they passed a group of 7 to 10 white youths standing by a double-parked car.
One club was at 1724 Bath Avenue in the Bensonhurst area of Brooklyn.
On Bath Avenue, in a part of Brooklyn once dominated by gangsters and wiseguys, times have changed.
Bath Avenue was once the land of the touchy situation.
Indeed, along Bath Avenue these days, it is nearly impossible to find any trace of its mob past.
Villa Paradiso on Bath Avenue is also a neighborhood favorite.
The water on Bath Avenue in Brooklyn came from a fire hydrant.
Ms. Paliseno walked to Bath Avenue and turned right.
The pigeons are still famous on Bath Avenue, said a woman named Barbara, who works across the street and kept her last name to herself.
Barbara answers the telephone for a living inside a tiny storefront at 1724 Bath Avenue.