Other genetic studies have found differences among the inhabitants that currently inhabit the Basque territories.
After the fall of Bilbao, practically all Basque territory had fallen into Franco's hands.
In July 1937, having lost all the Basque territory the Basque army retreated towards Santander.
The Basque territory was ravaged by the War of the Bands, bitter partisan wars between local ruling families.
Catholic heartland areas, with the exception of the Basque territory, largely supported Francisco Franco's rebel Nationalist forces against the Popular Front government.
This issue brought the Basque Country into the Convention War of 1793, when all the Basque territories were nominally French for a time.
Every Basque territory has lived its own History and, in spite of some similarities, with also remarkable differences, has created its own legal system.
Nowadays many minor choral ensembles, largely offering the Basque folk repertoire, dot the Basque territory.
Basque territory.
The first Korrika took place in 1980, and every race follows a different course, although it always endeavours to cover a significant proportion of the historical Basque territories.