He was the last private owner of Barton Springs.
The creek is named for William Barton, who built a house near Barton Springs in 1837.
All water discharging from Barton Springs originates as rainfall.
This lowest point of hydraulic pressure is Barton Springs.
Short of jumping in Barton Springs, there's no better way to cool off than at this locally owned store, which is an Austin classic.
Cool down after your run at Barton Springs, a 1,000-foot-long swimming hole fed by limestone-filtered water.
From the foot of the hillside, a spring (Barton Springs) marks the start of a chalk stream river.
It is known only from the spring exits at Barton Springs in the city of Austin.
In 1918 the city acquired Barton Springs, a spring-fed pool that became the symbol of the residential city.
The salamander is native to Barton Springs and two nearby outlets.