Barry Miles described the Maharishi as having "liquid eyes, twinkling but inscrutable with the wisdom from the East".
Soon after he joined Barry Miles (musician)'s group, remaining with Miles well into the 1980s.
Barry Miles also claimed that McCartney and Starr combined for the middle eight.
Not much, alas, judging by his latest biographer, Barry Miles, in "Charles Bukowski."
Barry Miles perhaps should examine this lyric touch of his more deeply and more often.
Barry Miles found it to be one of his "least substantive" works.
One of IT's founders, Barry Miles, was an old school friend from Cheltenham College.
Barry Miles: Edward Wesson 1910 - 1983, 1999.
Miles followed this release in 1969 with the eponymously titled album, Barry Miles, incorporating electronic instruments including the electric piano.
Reportedly, he is working on a full length biography, with Barry Miles added to the project in March 2010.