The model for this is called the "hot big bang model".
Peebles has made many important contributions to the big bang model.
The standard big bang model is usually supplemented with cosmic inflation.
But how can this view be reconciled with the big bang model, which to me means that the universe originally was (very) finite.
For example, I would support the big bang model for Finland.
The universe was, of course, born in light, 13.7 billion years ago in the standard Big Bang model.
In the standard hot big bang model, without inflation, the cosmological horizon moves out, bringing new regions into view.
The situation is quite different in the big bang model without inflation, because gravitational expansion does not give the early universe enough time to equilibrate.
The results matched extremely well with the observed data that classical Big Bang models couldn't explain.
Structure formation in the big bang model proceeds hierarchically, with smaller structures forming before larger ones.