The Bambi eyes cut to Gahano, came back to me.
But this Ally McBeal person - an attractive, supposedly successful young lawyer with Bambi eyes and a breathy voice - I disliked at first sight.
No teen-idol advisers with floppy hair and Bambi eyes.
The term "Bambi eyes" was made in response to the movie to describe an innocent look that people can make with their eyes to show sympathy.
"She made Bambi eyes at me," he whispered.
"You know I can't resist it when she does Bambi eyes."
Her dewy Bambi eyes belie a steely intensity.
She had given me Bambi eyes.
But there was no mistaking that elfin face, those terrified Bambi eyes.
A skinny Cuban-American kid with Bambi eyes, he wandered onto Eighth Avenue, merging with the crowd on the sidewalk.