An inmate's death in January at a Baltimore hospital was ruled a homicide.
Though ostensibly set in a Baltimore hospital, the actual landscape of Ms. Vogel's play is Anna's mind, which knows few imaginative bounds.
The former slugger, who had died probably of alcohol abuse a few days earlier in a Baltimore hospital, is identified only as a white male.
But he said there was still room for costs to drop, because Baltimore hospitals kept their patients in bed about a day longer than average.
He died in 1948 at age 48 in a Baltimore hospital.
Riddick died at a Baltimore hospital on June 9, 1942 after weeks of ill health.
Block was also a physical therapist at a Baltimore, Maryland, hospital for disabled children.
He was sent to a Baltimore, Maryland, hospital, where he remained through June.
Davis died on September 7, 1942, in a Baltimore hospital and was buried at Morven Park.
During the 1940's, Church Home and Hospital was one of three Baltimore hospitals providing a sparse number of beds for "colored" patients.