The Baltimore franchise was transferred to New York for the following season, and Wiltse continued to pitch poorly.
John McGraw was attracted to run the Baltimore franchise in 1901, and he used every tactic of rowdy ball.
After the season, the National League contracted and the Baltimore franchise was folded.
It seems that the Baltimore franchise, training a few miles away, was doing so in relative obscurity.
Hanlon was later involved as the principal shareholder in the Baltimore franchise of the failed Federal League.
In 1903, the Baltimore franchise was transferred to New York.
It's a quality guy the Baltimore franchise believes in.
Rather than accept the $50,000, the owners of the Baltimore franchise filed a Federal antitrust complaint that baseball was a monopoly.
Lawyers for the Baltimore franchise took the case to the Supreme Court.
In 1953, a Baltimore-based group led by Carroll Rosenbloom won the rights to a new Baltimore franchise.