His specialty is modern and contemporary Serbian and Balkan history.
In 2011, Zana returned to her roots, exploring Balkan history and music.
At a moment of peace, he chose to devote almost all his speech to an account of Balkan history that dwelt heavily on division and violence.
A search for roots, humanity and survival in the gloom of recent Balkan history, with illuminating notes and observations by the translator.
A search for roots, humanity and survival in the gloom of recent Balkan history.
The election results will probably shape not only Serbia's future, but the course of Balkan history.
In Balkan history, writing the question of conversion to Islam was, and still is, a highly charged political issue.
The feud is steeped in bitter Balkan history.
The Byzantine victory over the Bulgarians was a critical development in Balkan history.
He has written extensively on Balkan history, and Greek history.