I'm damned if I'll go to my grave a baby killer.
After being called both baby killers and heroes, many say they now feel like political footballs.
You and you're kind will get what you deserve, baby killers.
"Time to go meet the baby killer, "I don't suppose we should call him that to his face, though, right?
Some of them didn't want to work for 'baby killers.'
Now we'll show you baby killers what happens when you face a real enemy, one that can fight back.
She had imagined herself the toast of the peace movement, having persuaded a genuine baby killer to see the light.
Heroic cop risks life to protect the city from baby killers.
If they refused, activists passed out fliers in their neighborhood accusing them of working for a baby killer.
You're out there, and if you make the wrong decision, you're going to be blamed as a baby killer.