Baby Jessica may refer to:
The War for Baby Jessica" is on ABC at 9 Sunday evening.
Jessica McClure, the toddler known as Baby Jessica, was rescued from the bottom of an abandoned well 18 years ago.
The War for Baby Jessica was produced, dramatizing the events, but was heavily tilted in favor of the DeBoer's perspective.
Little ones, like Baby Jessica, caught in the struggle between adoptive and birth parents.
In the latter band, the duo played under the stage names, Nick Velvet and Baby Jessica, working lead vocals and keyboards.
The first program led off with the already amply covered story of Baby Jessica, the 2 1/2-year-old girl who had lately been returned to her biological parents.
Before Baby Jessica, there was Floyd Collins.
During one turn, Wayne puts the prop on the floor and yells into it, "Baby Jessica!"
However, a few panels were made for women and one was for Baby Jessica, an infant who died of AIDS.