He's the only reason Baby Doc's still in power.
When it came Chrysalis's turn, Baby Doc took her hand and stared at her with the fascination of a young boy with a new toy.
Baby Doc returned to Haiti on 16 January 2011 in what was seen as possibly more uncertainty.
In 1986, protests against "Baby Doc" led him to seek exile in France.
When "Baby Doc" was forced to flee Haiti almost two years ago, his family's 29-year autocratic, cruel and corrupt rule ended.
It's the same kind of thing Baby Doc did in Haiti.
Baby Doc used a Swiss lawyer and did a lot of his business in Canada.
It recounts the president and his wife on television, the regular radio addresses, and the exile of Baby Doc.
Some of you mentioned Baby Doc's visit.
The elephant, Baby Doc, lives at an elephant conservation center with only Asian elephants, so how he became infected is not clear.