Will Thompson be toast over the day he bit a BBC colleague?
Four weeks after Johnston's disappearance, his BBC colleagues once again got together in London to show support for the missing reporter.
Viewers jammed the switchboard as two BBC colleagues fought it out only to be informed it was a practical joke.
When BBC colleagues follow up a story they must ensure they understand the terms in which the allegations are to be reported and do so accurately.
Jeff Randall made a few good jokes about the occasional examples of political correctness he found among some BBC colleagues.
At the subsequent memorial service, his BBC colleague John Snagge gave an address.
I also asked some BBC colleagues, and huge Kylie fans, to send me their thoughts.
After five days a memory stick arrived - delivered through a network of various people to BBC colleagues in the Khost province.
It was brought to press by his former BBC colleague Erik de Mauny.
He also defends the right of BBC colleagues to take their time in deciding whether to move north.