She put on a passable imitation of a BBC accent.
With French as her first language, she approaches some English words hesitatingly, yet in a perfect BBC accent.
We suggest you shrink the giants and make it clear that they are Episcopalians, perhaps by giving them BBC accents.
Remember when the British were supposed to be reserved, understated and hypocritical and spoke on television with a BBC accent?
'You've been listening,' announced Ken in a pointed BBC accent, 'to an excerpt from Forever Amber.'
Her quirky humor and linguistic dexterity may remind you of Lorrie Moore with a BBC accent.
He has a distinctive form of Received Pronunciation "BBC accent" - one of the few left on radio in the 21st century - and his delivery incorporates idiosyncratic pauses in the middle of sentences.
'Hello,' beamed one of those impossible BBC accents, 'it's Breakfast Time!'
Next time he'd watch what he was doing and get a sleek, black Rippington Livery with a respectful BBC accent.
His BBC accent is gone and he's pure Limerick.