That's the name of a "kosher fruit nectar beverage," as well as the Aztec word for cougar.
The Aztec word for ruler was "tlahtouani," "he who speaks," shown graphically by the speech-scroll.
Also the name Mexico is an Aztec word.
The word "xolotl" (pronounced "cholotl") is an Aztec word which refers to a humanoid creature with dog features.
It's called copal, derived from the Aztec word for resin, copalli.
Popocatépetl is the Aztec word for "Smoking Mountain".
These discs are known as Tepuzque (the Aztec word for copper) gold or peso de oro.
"Coyotl" is the Aztec word from which the English "coyote", is derived.
The language of southern Spain, augmented by many Aztec words, to be sure, was the language of the land.
In 1988, the company opened the first store in the new chain, which it named Tianguis, after an Aztec word for marketplace.