"There is a town there called Shusha which is the native land of many Azerbaijani writers and composers," Mr. Kuliyev said.
Mr. Kuliyev, the Azerbaijani writer, blamed the violence on "inflammatory statements" by Armenians.
Against this some Azerbaijani writers dismiss these claims as "nonsense."
Ibragimbekov is the younger brother of Magsud Ibrahimbeyov, an Azerbaijani writer and politician.
Under the ACC functions "Sarvan" folk-dance group functions, Azerbaijani writers union, library, etc.
Prior to 1934, Azerbaijani writers grouped in variety of literary unions.
Prominent Azerbaijani writer and publicist Hasan bey Zardabi admired the efforts of the Armenian community.
Under the Soviet rule, particularly during Joseph Stalin's reign, Azerbaijani writers who did not conform to the party line were persecuted.
Abdullayev has been published more than any other Azerbaijani writer.
Manaf Suleymanov - Azerbaijani writer and scholar.