The two families are credited with introducing Ayrshire cattle into Australia.
The breed stems from the importation of around 1600 Ayrshire cattle from Scotland and Sweden from 1847-1923.
After 1960 there was some crossbreeding with Ayrshire cattle.
She was heavily involved in 4-H projects and showed the neighbor's Ayrshire cattle.
He was also engaged in the breeding of Ayrshire cattle and Berkshire hogs.
Gradually the colour of the Ayrshire cattle became selected and standardised as various shades of brown with white, clearly defined, though even now there are some black-and-whites.
At the time, most farmers preferred cattle breeds useful for both meat and dairy, while Ayrshire cattle are dairy cows.
Ayrshire cattle are kept on the island and goat's cheese is also produced.
They are descended from Swedish Red Cattle and Ayrshire cattle.
He was born in Rawdon Township, Ontario and became a breeder of Ayrshire cattle and a farmer by career.