Through a series of events and initiatives across the country, Awareness Month engages public and private sector partners to raise awareness and educate Americans about cybersecurity, and increase the resiliency of the Nation and its cyber infrastructure.
Highlights in Autism Progress - for April, Autism Awareness Month April 01, 2011 May 6th: Children's Mental Health Awareness Day April 26, 2010 Diagnosis: Pediatric Bipolar Disorder?
Specifically, during the month of April, which is Parkinson's Awareness Month, advocates in the program lead a series of "PAIR Up for Parkinson's Research" educational forums in communities throughout the U.S.
November is National Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month.
She says greater awareness of the disease and its symptoms is the goal of the foundation in April, which is Parkinson's Awareness Month.
In line with President Obama's 60 day review of cyber security, Awareness Month builds on existing programs within the Department of Homeland Security.
Vegetarian Awareness Month has been known variously as Reverence for Life month, Month of Vegetarian Food, and more.
One focus is the annual UK Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month held in November each year.
Through its 30 in 30 Parkinson's Awareness Month Event Challenge, PDF encourages its supporters to host their own events during the month of April, which is Parkinson's Awareness Month.
May is National amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) Awareness Month in the United States.