Additionally, Finkielstein's work in cellular processes that affect tumors has received private funding from the Susan G. Komen Foundation and Avon Foundation.
She received a Celebrity Role Model Award from Avon Foundation in 2003 for work in breast cancer.
She is creating a step-by-step manual and videotape to explain how she got about 300 members to raise $508,000 for the Avon Foundation, a charity focused on domestic violence and breast cancer.
She flew to New York from Florida yesterday to receive the celebrity role model award from the Avon Foundation for her charitable work in breast cancer awareness.
In 1964, he founded a philanthropic foundation for the arts and humanities (Avon Foundation), which since 1973 has been known as the Jerome Foundation.
She now works at the Avon Foundation, overseeing its signature breast cancer walks.
The Avon Foundation for Women, a private charity, is the largest corporate-affiliated philanthropy for women in the world.
Avon founded the Avon Foundation for Women with its first grant, a $400 scholarship, in 1955.
The Avon Foundation is currently focused on two key causes: breast cancer and domestic violence.
To date the Avon Foundation has awarded $350 million to researchers and patient support groups.