However, the Austrian leader, Benedek, refused to call for a cavalry charge which later commentators have written might have won the battle.
The Austrian leader ordered Provera with six battalions to attack from Belfiore.
Taylor suggested that Bismarck was hoping to force Austrian leaders into concessions in Germany rather than provoke war.
But seldom has a modern Austrian leader been as lonely as he is, or as angry.
The report accused the former Austrian leader of having served with units that massacred civilians, executed prisoners and identified Jews for deportation.
The announcement that he would not seek re-election ended months of discussion and debate by many Austrian political leaders.
There were a good many at that time, within and without the party, who believed that Strasser might well supplant the moody, incalculable Austrian leader.
How can Austrian leaders show such total disregard for public opinion?
The revolution was led by the state of Piedmont, one of the four states where the Austrian leaders were forced to grant liberal rights.
Lieven is both honest and sympathetic in rendering his verdicts: neither the Russian nor the Austrian leaders found an answer to their nationalities question.